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Our Team

Gay Stewart


Gay Stewart, WVUCE-STEM Director

The WVU Center for Excellence in STEM Education is led by Gay Stewart, a nationally recognized figure in physics education, former president of the American Association of Physics Teachers, member of the Board of Directors of the American Physical Society, and leader of the College Board's redesign of the AP physics sequence. Her central role in the physics education community ensures that any findings transferable to physics will be known and discussed at the national level. Gay's primary research area has been improving physics education for college students, STEM majors and future K-12 teachers.

Amber Stoffel

CodeWV Program Assistant

Amber Stoffel

Amber joined the CodeWV team in September 2019.

Elizabeth Wiles

Program Coordinator

Elizabeth Wiles headshot

Elizabeth joined the WVU Center for Excellence in STEM Education in May 2019.